With the arrival of the F-35A several places
where viewing or photographing aircraft was possible these are now off
limits (land owned by the deparment of defense). Signs have been placed
at entrance roads and in fields. These areas are enforced by both
civilian and military police.
During the exercise period (including the arrival days) safety meassures
related to traffic and parking are in place at the roads surrounding the
Runway 05: here the so-called spotters hill is located with a limited
number of parking spaces for cars. A farmer opened his field where cars
can be parked for a small daily fee. From here you can position yourself
on the hill or the road to the hill but not in the fields adjecente to
the runway (see above).
Runway 23:
The perimeter road adjecent to the N357 (Leeuwarden - Stiens) is
available for parking on the east side of the road). From here you can
position yourself along the parallel road or on the bike path heading
into Jelsum.
Actual viewing, safety, take-off and landing information:
The actual viewing and safety meassures are communicated by the
communcation section of Leeuwarden Air Base. These are also shared by
aviation website like Aviation Group Leeuwarden (AGL) and Scramble.
Leeuwarden AB also communicates the take off and recovery times of the
morning and afternoon waves as well as the runway in use.
Please check the website of the
Department of Defense or follow
Leeuwarden Air Base on Twitter @VlbLeeuwarden. |