302 squadron will receive eight AH-64E's. The first six will be flown to
Fort Hood. These are listed in the table above. It's unknown which other
two helicopters will join the squadron.
301 squadron received its first AH-64E on March 13, 2024 (Q-37). Until
it is know which two (numer seven and eight) will join 302 squadron the
Apaches to be delivered are listed "For 301 squadron".
The Apaches for 301 squadron are delivered to Logistics Center
Woensdrecht by USAF C-17's. Here the helicopters are assembled, checked
and after test flights flown to Gilze-Rijen.
The new (retrofitted) AH-64E's are equal to the US Army standard.
All 28 AH-64D's will be retrofitted. New
fuselages will be built and parts which can be (re)used from the current
helicopters will be fitted. |